FightingBox Gmaepad LED

Flatbox LED PRO
Flatbox Ultra S

The Flatbox Ultra amepad with a built-in RP2040 chip, and its firmwareis based on GP2040-CE (Community Edition). lt offers low latency, multi-platform compatibility, customizability, and many other rich features.

This product is based on the open source project flatxbox:

jfedor2/flatbox: Low profile hitbox-layout fightstick (

GP2040-CE Open source firmware Link:

OpenStickCommunity/GP2040-CE (

For more details about the GP2040-CE documentation, please refer to:

Passthrough port for ps4/ps5

USB Passthrough Authentication Compatibility List(Here are just some of the devices listed, but they are not limited to these.)

NOTE: DS4, DS5, or clone controllers do not support authentication

Data source(

Firmware Upates
  1. Download the compiled firmware (.uf2 file) for your device
  2. Unplug your device.
  3. Put your device into Bootsel/USB mode. A new removable drive named RPI-RP2 should appear in your file explorer.
  4. Drag and drop the compiled firmware (.uf2 file) downloaded in step 1 into the removable drive
  5. Wait for the device to automatically disconnect.

Congratulations! The controller will appear as a controller on your computer. You can test it in a game, using the website like Gamepad Tester